Danubius Support
OS1 Analysis of the current state of DANUBIUS-RI distributed infrastructure development and correlation of results with the definition of Romanian components: Hub, Supersite and Data Center. Analysis of the feasibility of these components and elaboration of the technical-economic documentation taking into account the operational and functional requirements for their construction in order to develop the concepts and the initial elements of the Romanian infrastructure. Conducting specialized studies and analysing the economic, social and environmental impact that the development of the Supersite and Hub components may have on the natural environment of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation.
OS2 Elaboration of the national RDI agenda taking into account the priorities of the DANUBIUS-RI strategic agenda defined within DANUBIUS-PP, as well as, the capacity and prospects for development of the Romanian scientific community in the context in which Romania is a participant and coordinator of pan-European infrastructure DANUBIUS - RI.
OS3 Preparing the application for accessing the Structural Funds related to the construction of the Romanian components of DANUBIUS-RI (Murighiol Hub, Danube Delta Supersite and Data Center) consists in creating, based on individual components (investment objects) and on the whole (DANUBIUS objective), of the Conceptual Note, Project Design, Feasibility Study (FS) and Technical Implementation Project (TIP) in accordance with the national legislation (GD 907 from 29/11/2016, as subsequently amended and supplemented) with regards to the drafting and the framework content of the technical and economic documentation related to the objectives / and invenstement projects financed through public funding.
OS4 Consultation of the national and international scientific community in working sessions in order to provide technical and scientific support necessary for the complex dimensioning of both the national RDI agenda and the initial infrastructure concepts and elements needed to develop the Romanian components of the DANUBIUS-RI infrastructure. Organizing promotional / dissemination events to prepare the national and international scientific community for the effective use and sustainable development of the DANUBIUS-RI infrastructure.
OS5 Establish an efficient and operative e-management system to group and facilitate the exploitation of resources developed by the national community. This system will group the resources of the DANUBIUS-RI national consortium and will connect with the supersites and nodes of the pan-European infrastructure DANUBIUS-RI.